Myofascial Cupping



(Myofascial: targets musculoskeletal systems)

Myofascial cupping is a soft tissue therapy that involves the application of silicone cups decompressed on the skin, creating a vacuum effect that pulls up underlying tissues, blood and other fluid, close to the surface of the skin treating contracted muscles, encouraging blood and lymphatic flow.

The cups are applied on affected areas and moved around in a gliding motion. In order to move the cups easily and smoothly, oil is applied previously. Then cups are placed on the skin where the tender muscles are, where the trigger points are, and where the acupressure points are, to release fascial pain.

Myofascial cupping directly treats the affected and targeted tissues and myofascial cupping leaves little marks however there should be no bruising on the skin.

 How it helps to combine the cupping and manual massage therapy.

While massage releases muscle tension using direct pressure, cupping creates negative pressure to lift the muscle fibres. Therefore, the combination of both massage therapy and cupping can trigger better myofascial release as the skin, muscle and blood vessels are stretched and massaged before being relaxed back into their normal position.

Benefits of Myofascial Cupping.

·       Increased circulation.

·       Increased joint range of motion. (Joint flexibility)

·       Reduced muscle tension.

·       Increased Lymphatic drainage (localised detoxification)

·       Increased connective tissue mobility. (Separate layers of connective tissues)

·       Pain relief

·       Increase blood circulation (Stimulate blood flow)

·       Relieve muscle tension (Relieve deep muscular tissues and ease muscle spams)

·       Improve range of motion (Develop range of movement)

·       Reduce inflammation

·       Treat sport injuries

·       Boost immunity and relieve a cold

·       Promote relaxation and well-being

·       Stress relief

·       Scar Tissue


Who should avoid cupping therapy?

People who are on Blood thinners.



Open wounds

Skin Conditions

Seniors – due to skin tears


What to do and avoid after cupping?

For 4-6 hours post cupping, avoid exposure to:

  • Keep yourself hydrated by drinking more water, to flush the toxins out of the body.

  • Caffeine, alcohol for 24 hours

  • Keep the treated areas covered and warm

  • Hot showers

  • Intense exercise.